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Understanding ARM TrustZone Architecture for Enhanced Security

Understanding ARM TrustZone Architecture for Enhanced Security

Official Block Diagram1. ARMv72. ARMv8(1) aarch32(2) aarch64(3) Summary of arch32 and aarch64(4) Understanding with Code3. Cortex-A9 architecture1. ARMv72. ARMv8(1) aarch32(2) aarch64(3) Summary of arch32 and aarch64Understanding aarch32 and aarch64 under armv7:If both secureos and monitor are 64-bit, secureos runs at el1, monitor runs at el3;If both secureos and monitor are 32-bit, both run at EL3 (secureos in svc mode, monitor in svc mode), sharing the page table;If monitor is 64-bit and secureos is 32-bit, secureos runs in svc mode (el1), monitor runs at el3, and they do not share the page table -(4) Understanding with Code3. Cortex-A9 architectureARM TrustZone architecture is a specially designed security technology aimed at providing hardware-level security protection for modern computing devices. With the widespread use
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