Open Source! A Step-by-Step Guide to Driving High-Power DC Hall Encoder Motors with Arduino and ROS
01IntroductionIn the previous articles, we mainly recorded how to drive TT motors with Hall encoders and low-power DC gear motors using our Arduino Mega 2560 expansion board (with TB6612)."Open Source! A Step-by-Step Guide to Driving Motors with Arduino+ROS Car""Open Source! A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Adjust Encoder Motor Speed PID"With the above two documents, you can complete the driving and control part of a ROS car chassis like the one shown below."Open Source! A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Arduino+Nvidia Jetson ROS Car (Part 2)"This article records how to achieve data interaction through the ROS package (ros_arduino_bridge) and Arduino, implementing the communication method of ROS Topic to control the motor to perform specified actions.Later, some friends asked if it is